
What If You Decided Today’s The Day EVERYTHING Changes...

10-15-2020 blog

The struggle. The stress. The striving.

All of it.

What today’s the day you realize it doesn’t have to be this way anymore.

That it truly gets to be easy.

That making money isn’t so damn hard.

That struggle really is a choice we make.

What if you decided you’re done.

With the stress.

The bullshit.

The overwhelm.

What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way.

Ever again.

That you never have to do this thing alone.

Ever again.

That it doesn’t have to be so damn hard.

Ever again.

What if I told you building a …

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I Did A Thing...A Big Scary Fucked Up Feeling Thing

10-8-2020 blog

I did a thing... a BIG SCARY fucked up feeling thing.

And it worked.

Things are changing.

Things are shifting.

Things are moving.

Every day I’m stepping more into the fullness that I’m here to be.

Every day stepping more into alignment.

Every day stepping more into trust.


I did this thing.

This thing I’d been avoiding. This thing I’d been putting off.

This thing that scared the shit out of me.

But I knew it was time.

In fact it was past time.

And I’d been avoiding it.

I’d been out of alignment. And didn’t…

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We Must Be Willing To Kill The Baby

10-06-2020 blog

Hear me out.

I don’t mean kill your actual baby.

What I mean is.

We must be willing to walk away from a launch. A program. An idea.

If it stops feeling in alignment. If it stops being in flow.

We must be unattached to the outcome.

We must be willing to listen to God. Source. Higher Self.

And when that bitch says kill the baby.

We must kill the baby.

We must be willing to make space for the thing that is supposed to come through.

See energy is a real thing.

And if you’re spending all your energy trying to m…

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The Secret To Finally Having The Life Of Your Dreams

Livestream Replay Above!

Ps Ready for epic results in your life and business right fucking now.

Ready to break through the bullshit.

Ready to go all in on the madness of being you.

Ready for more MONEY. More TIME. More FREEDOM...


Ready for Clients chasing you down begging to work with you.

Ready to do the damn thing.

Bad Bitch Mastermind is your last chance to work with me in a group container before my rates go up.

Grab your spot now and finally live the life you’re here for.

Let’s fucking do th…

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How To Find Your Way When It Feels Like Nothing Is Working

Livestream Replay Above!

And then...

If you’re ready to go all in and make fuck tons of money now.

Ready to be you and have Clients chasing you down.

Ready to finally have the freedom you went into business for.

Bad Bitch Mastermind is for you.

Click the link. Read the page. Grab your spot. Change your life. 

It’s time to quit playing small. It’s time to fucking jump.

You ready.

I cannot wait to work with you. 💕

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It's Time To Stop Spinning.

10-1-2020 blog


It’s time to stop spinning. Stop stressing. Stop wondering. Stop figuring.⁣

It’s time to stop reinventing the wheel.⁣

Stop doing something for 4 days only to say it’s not working. What was I thinking. Why did I even try.⁣

Because here’s the truth about people like you and me.⁣

When it’s not working it’s because somewhere deep down inside. Or maybe not even that deep. There is a part of us that doesn’t want it to.⁣

There is a part of us who is served by the crisis. By…

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9-30-2020 blog

Listen...when you’re out of alignment. Full of fear. Stressed the fuck out.

Your Clients know it. Your prospective Clients know it. Your friends. Your family.

Every fucking body around you knows it.

Except for you.

For some reason. Your answer is to keep on pushing. Keep on forcing. Keep on hustling. Keep on striving.

Keep on trying to figure it all out.

Trying so hard to make it all work.

News flash...making it work. Figuring it out. Forcing that shit to happen.

Is. Not. Your. Fucking. Job.

Hear me on t…

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Break the rules and make fuck tons of money from soul now! 🔥

Livestream Replay Above!

​This live was fucking epic y’all. We talked about all thing making money right fucking now. How to change everything. How to go all in on the maddness of being you and doing what you love on the daily.

​And then...

​MANIFESTATION QUEEN is closing soon!! My $37/month membership talking all tings manifestation and epic results.

​But wait...there’s more.

​Ready for epic results in your life and business right fucking…

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9-29-2020 blog

It’s just a thing that happens.

We dig into the bullshit that keeps you stuck. The thing that no matter what you do.

You’re never quite there.

Either you’re making money and you’re hustling your ass off. Not really doing what you love. Not really doing your purpose work.

Or you’re struggling to pay the bills.

Sharing your message with the world. And still broke AF.

You’ve tried all the systems. The strategies. The plans.

You’ve done all the things.

But something is still missing.

See. Here’s the thing.

I …

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9-28-2020 blog

Rise beyond the bullshit.

Rise beyond the stories.

Rise beyond the things that keep you stuck.

Rise beyond the life you’ve created.

The one you’ve worked so hard for.

The one that isn’t yours.

The shadow life.

The one you’ve given it all to have.

Hustled. Pushed. Figured it all out.

The one you pretend to love.

But don’t.

The life you thought you wanted.

The life they told you you needed to live.

The life they would kill for.

The life that’s killing you.

Taking you down.

Wearing you out.

The life you fought so h…

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