

9-27-2020 blog

It’s time to stop telling yourself it has to be hard to be worth it.

It’s time to stop believe it’s one or the other.

It’s time to stop buying the bullshit stories you tell yourself on the daily.

That you’re not good enough.

Not smart enough.

Not pretty enough.

Not what the fuck ever enough.

It’s time to stop comparing your outsides to everyone else’s outsides.

It’s time to stop scrolling the fucking highlight reel.

Trying so hard to fit it.

You my dear never have. Never will. Never should.

Fit in with eve…

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What If You Treated Yourself As Well As You Treated Everyone Else 🤷‍♀️

9-25-2020 blog

What if you kept your own promises.⁣

What if you respected your own time.⁣

What if you loved yourself the way you love everyone else.⁣

What if you stopped being available for people who didn’t really see you.⁣

Didn’t really love you.⁣

Didn’t really appreciate you.⁣

Didn’t really respect you.⁣

What if you loved yourself enough to put yourself first.⁣

What if you honored your own time.⁣

What if you kept your own boundaries.⁣

What if you said what you thought. What you felt. What you meant.⁣


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How To Cut Your Hours In Half and Double Your Income In 30 Days #LikeAFuckingBoss

Livestream Replay Above!

And then...⁣

If you’re ready to go all in and make fuck tons of money now. ⁣

Ready to be you and have Clients chasing you down. ⁣

Ready to finally have the freedom you went into business for. ⁣

Bad Bitch Mastermind is for you. ⁣

Click the link. Read the page. Grab your spot. Change your life. ⁣  ⁣

It’s time to quit playing small. It’s time to fucking jump. ⁣

You ready. ⁣

I cannot wait to work with you. ⁣ 

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9-24-2020 blog

You show up anyway.⁣

You do the thing you’re here to do anyway.⁣

You sit your ass in the chair. Trust the muse will show up.⁣

And you create the thing you’re here to create.⁣


Because here’s the thing.⁣

If you don’t.⁣

If you don’t show up for her.⁣

If you don’t give her the space to come through.⁣

If you don’t jump off the cliff naked...⁣

Every. Single. Day.⁣

She will move on.⁣

She will find someone who will.⁣

She will leave you.⁣



My muse will leave me.⁣


Think ab…

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The Art Of Trusting The Hustle Flow & Letting Go Of The Damn Results Already ✨✨

Livestream Replay Above!

Ps. Ready to destroy the stories that keep you stuck.⁣

Ready for consistent $10,000/$20,000/$30,000 months on repeat.⁣

Ready to take your business and life to the next level.⁣

Ready for more time. More money. More freedom. Now.⁣

Ready to have Clients chasing you down. Ready for more money than you’ve ever had before.⁣

Ready for it to be easy. For it to be fun. For it be flow.⁣

Ready for Bad Bitch Mastermind.⁣⁣

6 weeks to more money. More …

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How To Get It All Done When You Just Don't FEEL Like It!

9-23-2020 blog

You know. Some days. I just don’t feel like it.

I don’t feel like growing my audience. Nurturing my audience. Selling to my audience.

Some days. I don’t feel like showing up for all the things I’m responsible for.

Some days.

I straight up wish I had a different life.

One where my mom sees my value.

One where I’m not always trying to impress her.

One where I don’t have littles waking me up multiple times a night.

One where I can just be normal. Basic. Boring.

One where I don’t know things about p…

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Sit Your Ass In The Chair. Do The Thing You’re Here To Do...And Stop Being Such. Whiny Little Bitch About It.

9-22-2020 blog

Me: I’m not inspired.

My Bad Bitch Of Operations:’s your morning routine.

Me: Fucking hell.

When people hear you say that day in and day out and start using it against you.

And they are right.

It’s fine I said.

I’m doing all the things I said.

Oh wait.

But I’m not dancing.

And fuck.

I haven’t written a blog post since Thursday.

And there was this guy.


Ok. Ok.

I get it.

I’m sabotaging myself again.

It’s a thing that happens. And I’m sure you can relate.

Because guess what bitches.

I’m human too.

I tan…

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It’s Time To Call In The Next Level You NOW!

9-17-20 blog

​The time for games is over.

The time for pretending is done.

Pretending you’re happy. Pretending you’re fulfilled. Pretending this life you’ve worked so hard to create.

Is. Enough.

It’s time to own it. Claim it. Live it.

That life you’re actually here to live.

The one you imagine. The one you’ve buried so deep down inside your heart you almost can’t even remember what it is.

That one you locked away.

The dream so big you’re afraid to say it out loud.

Because they will take it away from you.

Tell you you’…

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Calling All BADASS BOSS BITCHES Of The Internet...

Livestream Replay Above!

Ps. Where my Badass Boss Bitches at? 🤷‍♀️

If you have a business and you’re ready for more MONEY.

More TIME.

And more FREEDOM now comment with all the emojis.

Something epic is coming!

Stay tuned. 💕

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