
I used to HATE Valentine's Day.

I used to HATE Valentine’s Day.

I remember the way it felt to be alone. To look around at my life wondering if I would ever be loved.

If anyone would ever love me the way I loved them.

If I’d ever feel important.

I remember the first year after I got engaged and him telling me in the shower that he forgot it was Valentine’s Day.

I thought he was kidding. I laughed.

He wasn’t.

What happened. He just didn’t remember.

What I heard.

You don’t matter. You’re not important. Valentine’s Day is not impor…

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Hey Badass!

Your beauty.

Your power.

Your message.

Your wounds.

Your story.

Your path.

Are all on purpose.

You are not a mistake.

Your beauty is not a mistake.

Your power is not a mistake.

Your bigness is not a mistake.

You are fucking amazing.

You are gorgeous.

You are powerful.

You are next fucking level.

You are the goddess. The Badass. The boss. The muse.

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Some days I feel like the shittiest mom on the planet...

Some days I feel like the shittiest mom on the planet.

The guilt creeps in.

The I’m not good enough.

The can I really hold it all.

The multiple six figure business. The body of my dreams. The babies. The Clients. The impact.

The life.

Can I really do it all. Can I really be it all.

Am I really making a difference.

Am I simply making a mess.

Do they really want to hear one more story.

Do they really want t…

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You get to be the Queen. The Goddess. The Boss. The Muse.

You get to have it all.

You get to be bold. Badass. Beautiful.

Sexy. Wealthy. Rich as fuck.

You get to be the Queen. The Goddess. The Boss. The Muse.

You get to share your message. Find your voice. Unleash your power.

You get to make a difference.

You get to change the world.

You get to be yourself.

You get to have it all.

You get to be a SEXY RICH BITCH.

Welcome unleashing your inner badass.


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$46K in sales!

I closed January with over $46,000 in sales and almost $23,000 cash received.

Without sales calls.

Without the hustle.

Without forcing.

Without trying to figure it out.

Without cold messaging.

Without pushing.

Without all the busywork.

And it worked. And it was so damn easy.

I showed up.

I lived in alignment with the results I offer.

I made the most amazing memories with my babies.

I w…

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$20K months the easy way.

The journey to $10K was tough. The flight to $20K was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.

I remember the struggle from $0 - $10,000/month like it was yesterday.

I did it in 90 days. I felt like I had arrived.

I pushed. I forced. I struggled.

I hustled.

I did whatever it took to get there.

And when I did I was tired. Stressed out. Burnt out. Alone. And afraid.

What had I worked so hard for. Why couldn’t it be easy. Would it always…

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I could barely breathe.

I could barely breathe.

My lungs hurt.

The heaviness.

Of my decision. Weighing in my body.


Do you mean it.

Are you ready.

Are you sure.

Or will you break under the pressure. Change your mind.

Go back to playing small.

Will you agree with the potentiality that everything is always working out for you.

That you will be quickly healed.

That this is not …

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It's not about forcing. Convincing. Figuring it out.

Its not about forcing. Convincing. Figuring it out.

It’s about deciding it’s done and living from there.

It’s about trusting the abundance. The money. The love. The clients. The life.

Are already on their way.

That there is nothing you have to do. Nothing you have to prove. Nothing you have to be.

Except yourself.

Just you.

All of you.

Fully you.

From faith.

From flow.

From abundance.

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Chasing is not the vibe.

Chasing is not the vibe. Cold messaging is not the vibe.

Attracting...Magnetizing...Calling in.

That’s the vibe.

I don’t chase.

I don’t convince.

I don’t beg.

I don’t prove.

I don’t hustle.

I don’t force.

I allow.

I take the aligned actions.

I say what I’m here to say. Do what I’m here to do. Be who I’m here to be.

And I trust.

That the perfect soul aligned bad-asses will find me.

Will resonate wi…

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Holy Fuck!

Holy fuck! I just invested $7,777 in ONE MONTH of coaching.

And this is only the first payment for the year.

A year of expansion.

A year of going all in.

A year of doing the scary things.

A year of trusting.

Myself. God. Source. Soul.

A year beyond my wildest dreams.

I didn’t jump because I “needed” it.

I didn’t jump because I “had” to have it.

I didn’t jump so I could “make it happen.”

I jumped …

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