
Be You & Then Be More Fucking You 💋

9-14-20 blog
And when that doesn’t work.

When you’re stuck. When you’re overwhelmed.

When you don’t see a way out.

Dig in deeper. Connect in more. Ask yourself again.

If I fully supported and backed myself how would I show up right now.

If I was coming from a place of faith and not fear. What would I do...or not do right now.

Ask God/Source/Soul/Spirit/Universe every single day.


Would you have me be.


Would you have me serve.


Would you have me serve them.

Listen. Sit in silence every day. Allowing yo…

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But Mindy I’ve Tried All The Things & It’s Just Not Working⁣⁣

9-7-2020 blog

But have you really?
Have you set the intention.⁣⁣
Thanked your sugar daddy the Universe for bringing you the thing you desire.⁣⁣
Have you gotten super clear on what you’re calling in. How much it is. What it’s for.⁣⁣
And then asked God to show up and give it to you.⁣⁣
Have you said thank you.
Have you taken the inspired actions.⁣⁣
Have you let it the fuck go.⁣⁣
Probably not.⁣⁣
And listen.⁣⁣
Here’s the thing.⁣⁣
It’s not even your fault really.⁣⁣
Because you’ve …

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When The Crazy Bitch Says Jump...You Must Always Jump 💕💕⁣

9-4-2020 blog
You must always listen.⁣

To that still small voice inside.⁣

To the thing you already know to be true. The thing you already know to do.⁣

You must decide.⁣

To trust yourself completely.⁣

To back yourself fully.⁣

To come from a place of faith and not fear.⁣

To decide that everything is always working out for you.⁣

That it is always this or something better. Always this or something more.⁣

That when the muse says write.⁣

You must write.⁣

When she says paint.⁣

You must paint.⁣

When she says ju…

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You Must FIRST Go All In On The Madness Of Being You.⁣

9-2-2020 blog
And then.⁣

Be. Even. More. Fucking. You.⁣

You must decide to live the life you’re meant for now.⁣

To have the things.⁣


To do the things.⁣


To make the money.⁣


Not in 6 weeks. Not in 6 months. Not in 6 years.⁣

Right. Motherfucking. Now.⁣


Because. It’s how it is meant to be.⁣

Because it’s why you are here.⁣

Because you must.⁣

But first you must decide.⁣

To go all in on the madness of being you.⁣

To make the space for follow to take over.⁣

To live in the fucking vortex …

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There Is No Fucking Magic Bullet

9-1-2020 blog
​To the woman who attacked me. The one who didn’t show up. Didn’t do the work. Didn’t go all in on the madness of being you.

The one who was triggered. The one who didn’t want to do the inner work.

The one who wanted a magic fucking bullet.

The one who said I was a fraud. That everything I teach can easily be found on YouTube.

The one who said my program was a rip off. That I will have to deal with God one day.

Who attacked my assistant’s character in my free Facebook community.

The one who dema…

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How To Manifest The F#ck Out Of Your Life NOW!

Livestream Replay Above!

The time is now.

Time to reclaim your power. Time to remember who the fuck you are.

Time to stop giving two fucks what anyone else thinks.

Time to go all in on the madness of being you.

Time to get your ass into MANIFESTATION QUEEN and finally have the life you know your fucking here for.

You ready?

Xo! Mindy 💕

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You Don’t Have To Prove A Fucking Thing 🔥

8-28-20 blog
You’re already good enough.

You’re already perfect.

You’re already there.


There is shit you could do better. There are things you wish were different. Things you wish would change.

But when you decide.

That you are a perfect whole and complete child of God. Perfectly and wonderfully made. Exactly on purpose and right on time.

And that is enough. And that you are enough.

Everything changes.

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But Mindy... How Do I Get Them To Look Past The Swearing & See Your Value? 🤷‍♀️

8-27 blog
One of my Clients asked me this yesterday.

​She told one of her friends about my new program Manifestation Queen and apparently, her friend had an issue with my “swearing”.

​First of all, can we just talk about that word for a quick minute?

​Swearing is the use of offensive language.

​Can someone please tell me who the authority is on offensive language.

​Like who decided fuck was a “bad” word anyway.

​Or let’s talk about the word “cursing”. That’s another one I get.

​I love your message …

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When You Quit B*tching About What You Don’t Have & Start Celebrating...

8-26 blog

When you quit bitching about what you don’t have and start celebrating what you do.
Every. Fucking. Thing changes overnight. ⁣⁣
Something amazing happens. ⁣⁣
Miracles start to come to you. Money starts to chase you down. Clients show up out of the blue begging to work with you. ⁣⁣
You’re whole damn life changes overnight. ⁣⁣
Why. ⁣⁣
Because friend. ⁣⁣
You get more of what you focus on. ⁣⁣
When you’re constantly focusing on what you don’t want. Focusing on wishing. Hoping. Praying that on…

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You Are Blessed & Highly Favored & You Get To Make F#ck Tons Of Money Now ✨

8-25 blog

You Are Blessed & Highly Favored & You Get To Make F#ck Tons Of Money Now ✨⁣⁣⁣
You get to have what you want. When you want. Whatever you want. ⁣⁣⁣
You get to have it all. ⁣⁣⁣
When you stop trying to do it all. ⁣⁣⁣
You get to be fully supported. Fully accepted. Fully loved. ⁣⁣⁣
But. ⁣⁣⁣
You must first be willing to believe. ⁣⁣⁣
That anything can happen. That anything is possible. ⁣⁣⁣
That everything is ALWAYS working out for you. ⁣⁣⁣
That everting is ALWAYS adding up in your fa…

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