
I was so afraid to fail. To be wrong. To fuck it all up.

I was so afraid to fail. To be wrong.

To fuck it all up.

It’s time to dream.

To allow.

To trust.

It’s time to let yourself really look at what you want.

Like really. Really. Really want.

The desires of your heart.

The ones you keep locked away inside where no one can find them.

Where no one can take them away.

I know.

I did it too.

Like when someone would ask me what I want. What I like. Or worst of all.

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It’s not about the struggle. The hustle. The overcoming.

It’s not about the struggle. The hustle. The overcoming.
It’s not about proving everyone wrong.
It’s not about never getting hurt.
I used to fight everything.
I was a warrior. An over comer. A rebel.
My value came from from the battle.
I didn’t give a fuck what anyone else thought.
I didn’t give a fuck about the rules.
I fought against everything.
I turned fear into anger.
And if you made it though my wall. My fortress. My…

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You get to be the fucking diva. The queen. The badass you came here to be.

You get to be the fucking diva. The queen. The badass you came here to be.
And make fuck tons of money in the process.
You get to live your best life.
Whatever the fuck that means for you.
You get to have everything you’ve ever wanted and more.
Even that shit that you keep locked up inside so no one will take it away from you.
You are not like everyone else.
It’s time to stop trying to dream like everyone else.
3 bed two…

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I remember not being able to buy them Christmas presents.

I remember not being able to buy them Christmas presents.
Not knowing where the money would come from for food and bills.
Now I can hand them the Amazon catalogue (who even knew that was a thing) and tell them to pick out whatever they want without the fear of it being too expensive. Without the fear of having to say no.
This year we decided to leave behind a lot of things as a family.
One of my six year olds left behind panic attacks and not feeling good.

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This is your year.

This is your year.
It’s all coming together.
No more starting from zero.
No more burning out.
No more giving up.
It’s time to compound more than you ever thought possible.
It’s time for your money to start working for you this year.
You get to be fully supported.
You get to rest and have fun.
You get to do what you love.
Every. Single. Day.
You get to travel.
You get to fall in love and be loved in retu…

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What if you truly believed you could have it all.

I’m creating a million dollar brand.
I’m changing the world.
I’m making a difference.
I’m living a life beyond my wildest dreams.
I get to have it all.
What if you actually believed that was possible.
Like deep down inside the core of your being.
What if instead of claiming this is my million dollar year only to immediately think...impossible.
What if you truly believed you could have it all.
That absolutely any…

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It's time to stop trying so hard to be a fucking chicken.

It's time to stop trying so hard to be a fucking chicken.
Stop trying so hard to be like them. Trying so hard to be basic. Trying so hard to be simple. Trying so hard to be boring.
Stop trying so hard to figure them out. To be a better version of them. To fucking fit in.
Stop trying so hard to make yourself so damn small so that everyone will like you.
NEWSFLASH - They don’t like you. They think you’re fucking weird. They look at you with tha…

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He took off the condom. I took a breath.

10-21-2020 blog

He took off the condom. I took a breath.

And knew...It would NEVER happen again.

You know that knowing.

Deep down inside your soul.

That voice.

That stillness.

That peace.

That part of you that gives zero fucks what anyone else thinks.

That part of you that truly puts you first.

That part of you that keeps her promises.

That part of you.

That has integrity.

That part that knows this is out of alignment.

That you are worthy of so much more.

That this fuckery. And this fuck boy are not moving you closer to be…

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You don’t have to work harder.

10-19-2020 blog

You don’t have to do it like everyone else.

You don’t have to fit into a fucking mold.

In fact.

You can’t.

You never will.

You never did.

You were never meant to.

In fact.

If you keep on trying so hard to do it right.

To be like them.

To fit in.

It will eventually kill you.

The truth is.

You’re different.

You’re unique.

You’re special.

I know. Because I’m like you.

I never fit in.

They never liked me.

I was always killing it. But never felt like I was enough.

Everything I touched turned to gold.

But I was never fulf…

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