
Some days it feels like I can't breathe...


Some days it feels like I can’t breathe.

Like the air has been sucked out of my lungs.

Like no matter what I do...nothing is working.

Like I’m drowning.

Like there is no way out.

Like giving up.

Most people won’t tell you that part.

The part where it feels impossible.

Where your body and soul feels like they are being split and half.

Where there aren’t enough tears.

They don’t tell you about the fear. The pain. The regret. The overwhelm.

That hit out of nowhere.

But I c…

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The secret to $20K months

The SECRET to $20K Months.

Make the BOSS moves. Do the fucking things. Live your fucking life.

Connect in.

Ask for the next step.

Trust what you hear.

Do it.

Every. Single. Day.

Feel into the fear. Let it talk to you. Hear what she has to say.


Remind her. Mama’s got this.

And do the thing you KNOW you’re here to do.

Take the leap.

Jump off the cliff.

Only then can you truly fucking fly.…

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Do the f#cking thing...

Your job is to share the message. The rest is none of your damn business.

The reason it feels so hard.

The reason you don’t post.

The reason you put it off.

The reason you feel like you’re ALWAYS working...but not getting the sales you want.

Is because you’re trying to say the right thing so that they will buy.

You’re trying to figure out exactly what to say and how to say it.

You’re thinking about it all fucking day.


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What if you could have it all...

I believe you get to have it all.

I believe it gets to be easy.

I believe it gets to be worth it.

I believe you’re already enough.

I believe you cannot fuck it up.

I believe you already know the next’re just afraid to take it.

I believe that anything is possible to those who decide and do the fucking work.

I believe that everything can change in an instant.

What do you believe.

I see you. I believe in you. And I love you…

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I'm not here for likes.

I’m not here for likes. I’m not here for comments. I’m not here for fans.

I’m here for deep. Soul connected. Change the fucking world.


I don’t want you to think...Mindy. Yeah. She’s ok.

I want you to say.

Mindy...I love that Bitch.

Or even that you can’t stand me.

But I’m not here for meh...

My whole life people have loved me or couldn’t stand me.

There was no middle of the road. Vanilla. Mediocre.

I spent years trying…

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Feel. The. F#cking. Fear

Feel. The. Fucking. Fear.

I’m not good enough.

I can’t do this.

What if they never buy again.

What if my launch fails.

What if this was a fluke.

What if they think I’m too big. Too bold. Too fucking much.

What if I say the wrong thing.

What if they don’t get it.

What if...


That shit. Up there. ☝️☝️☝️

That’s why you’re so fucking tired all the time. That’s why you feel like you’re constan…

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It used to be impossible...


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I see you. All of you. Every big. Bold. Loud. Sexy AF piece of you.


Hey Bitch! Yes you.

You’re playing small.


I know. I know. I know.

Your small looks pretty big to everyone else.

But I see you.

I know you’re calling it in.

I know deep down inside there is so much more of you. Just waiting to be unleashed on the world.

But she’s hiding.

She alone.

She’s afraid.

What if they don’t like me.

What if they don’t get me.

What if they don’t see me.

What if they won’t pay me.

I get it. I’ve been there. I hear you.

But here’s the truth.

I see you. All of you. Every big. Bold. Loud. …

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She said something that shook my soul...something I never thought I’d hear in my life.

She said something that shook my soul...something I never thought I’d hear in my life.

Something I never thought I’d be.

Imaging being able to say yes.

To everything.

Imagine no more lack.

No more fear.

No more wondering how you’ll pay for something.

Imagine being able to spend a whole weekend celebrating.

Saying yes to everything.

Giving your children the most amazing birthday of their lives.


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What the hell is feminine energy, anyway?

Feminine energy does not mean leaning back...hoping. Wishing. Praying.

That Clients will magically ask to buy your shit.

It does not mean asking for what you want and waiting for it to show up.

It does not mean never doing anything.

It means trusting the shit you’ve done is working.

It means taking the aligned actions every day.

It means growing your audience. Connecting with your people. Making offers.

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