
What If You Actually Knew What You Were Here To Do...

7-30 blog
What If You Actually Knew What You Were Here To Do...

AND could make fuck tons of money doing it.

Would you want to know how?

Would you be intrigued?

Would you be interested?

Funny. That word. Interested.

I was taught years ago in sales training to NEVER use the word interested.

I was taught a bunch of other bullshit too.

Like people are numbers.

People can only say no 7 times.

No just means not yet.

Questions are buying signs...this one isn’t completely un-t…

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Bitch It’s Time To Level The Fuck Up

7-29 Blog
It’s time to quit playing small.

It’s time to quit being scared.

It’s time to quit avoiding the thing you KNOW you need to do...but won’t.



What will they say?

What will they do?

What will they think?

Come here. Listen. A little closer. Are you listening?


FUCK what THEY think.

FUCK what THEY do.

FUCK what THEY want.

You my dear.

Are not. Never have been. And never will be.

Here for THEM.

They don’t get you. They don’t like y…

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Be A Fucking Phoenix Rising From The Ashes & Never Have To Die Again

7-27 blog

Remember that time you liked that one kind of music. That one kind of boy. That one kind of girl. That one kind of ice cream.

Then one day it all changed.

And you wanted something different.

And then again.

And again.


You get the point.

Remember when you were free to be who you wanted to be.

Not who the world told you to be. Not HOW the world told you to be. Not WHAT the world told you to be.

Just exactly what and who and how you KNEW you were meant to be.

And then something happened.

Someone said you…

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How To Sell From Soul & Make Fuck Tons Of Money Doing What You Love 🙌🏻

Livestream Replay Above!

Ready to go all in. Ready to do the fucking thing. Ready to soar.

Ready to know why you’re here. What you’re here to do. And how to package that shit up and sell it.

On repeat.

From Source. From Soul. From God.

Welcome to The Fuck Yes Offer Formula. How To CREATE, LAUNCH & SELL your Fuck Yes Offer in 7 Days!


7 days.

Because friend. Building a business gets to be simple. Making money gets to be easy.


You ready to m…

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Do The Thing You’re Here To Do...Nothing Else Matters 🔥

7-23 blog
What is the thing you want to shake the world and make them understand?

What is the thing you would say if you weren’t so damn afraid what they might think?

What is the thing you would do if deep down inside you were not so scared it might actually work?



That thing.

The thing that came up in your head and you quickly locked back up. Looked around to make sure no one was watching and went back to your basic. Mediocre. Kind of ok existence.


That thing.

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How To Call In Your F*CK YES Clients On The Regular & Make The Money You’re Here To Make Already 💃💃

Livestream Replay Above!


Spread your wings. Fuck the chickens. Do the thing you’re here to do.

And make fuck tons of money doing it.

Without the stress. Without the bullshit. Without the overwhelm.

Without trying to figure it all out.

The Fuck Yes Offer Formula. How To CREATE, LAUNCH & SELL Your Fuck Yes Offer In 7 Days!

From soul. From God. From Source.

Just by being you.

Without the tech. Without the website. Without all the fucking things.…

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She Weeps...

7-22 blog

She weeps for the life she once knew.

She weeps for the life she never wanted.

She weeps for the dreams that died long ago.

She weeps for the body she once had.

She weeps for the changes. The time. The moments.

She’ll never get back.

She weeps for the woman who once grew up inside of her.

Full of life. Joy. Passion.

She weeps for the girl who cries deep inside of her.

Full of fear. Doubt. Overwhelm.

She weeps for you.

The woman who has forgotten who she is.

The woman who has let fear…

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That Time I Did The Thing I SWORE I’d NEVER Do & It Didn’t Kill Me

7-21 Blog
2 years ago. I left my life.

I packed my kids in the car with some clothes. Some diapers. And a dollhouse.

And drove across the country.

I left my marriage. My business. My life.

To become the thing I swore I’d never be. To live the life I swore I never live.

To do the thing I swore I’d never do.


I didn’t get married to get divorce.

In fact. I don’t do anything with the intention of failing.

I don’t do anything half assed.

I don’t do anything without being for …

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