Bad B*tch Mastermind

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Bad B*tch Mastermind

Total due $1,997

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Welcome to the Bad Bitch Mastermind!

Your Bad Bitch Mastermind includes:

  • The Bad Bitch Mastermind 6 Week Course
  • Access to the VIP, Members-Only Group of Epic Badasses
  • Bonus access to $2,000+ worth of training, including:
    • The Ideal Client Referral Machine
    • Make Money This Week
    • How To Get More Of What You Want
    • Simple Sales Calls That Convert
    • Facebook Ninja

REFUND POLICY: Results differ, of course, and all sales are final and non-refundable. For memberships, you get unlimited access to all content while in the membership. You can cancel at any time. Upon cancellation, all access is removed.