

It's not about being fearless...

It’s not about being FEARLESS. It’s about holding the fear and jumping anyway. 🖤🖤

It’s about letting go of that controlled pain.

Like I know what being left out feels like. I know I can handle that pain.

But the pain of going all in and really being seen is terrifying.

So I jump off the cliff every fcking day and hope for the best.

I see you boo. You’ve got this! 🤍🤍


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Everything you touch turns to gold.

Everything you touch turns to gold.

You dip your toe in. Barely show up. Let them see part of you...and the bitches come running.

I see you.

Hiding in plain sight.

Not really wanting to be seen.

Playing small. Staying safe. Not going all the fcking way in.

On the madness. The magic. The everything of you.

I see you wondering what they might think. What they might say. What they might do.

If they truly saw all of me.

If I unleashed all of this power burning inside.

If I really went all in. Really let them …

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Here’s to changing the fcking world


Sales = SERVICE. Sales = FREEDOM. Sales = Changing The Fcking World.

It means the freedom to live the life you’ve always wanted. The one you keep locked away deep inside your soul.

The one you’re afraid to really let out. To really dream of. To really ask for.

The one you’re here to live.

The freedom. The money. The impact. The clients. The adventure.

The truth is.

When sales becomes an act of service. A connection. The art of your soul.

You truly get to have it all.

Everything you’ve …

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They called me The Closer...

They called me The Closer.

Sales used to mean manipulation.

Saying the right things. Asking the right questions. Leading the conversation.

It used to mean convincing. Objection handling. Finding the why that made them cry.

It used to mean saying whatever it took to get them to buy.

It used to mean tracking numbers. Converting leads.

Being a fcking machine.

And I was so good at it.

And. It made me want to die.

The pit in my stomach.…

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Some days hurt so much your heart aches


Some days it hurts so much your heart aches...

Show up anyway.

Some days feel amazing...

Show up anyway.

Some days feel impossible...

Show up anyway.

Some days it works...

Show up anyway.

Some days it doesn’t...

Show up anyway.

Some days are lonely...hard...painful.

Show. Up. Anyway.

Because the truth is.

It’s all in our head.

The good. The bad. The ugly.

It’s all a decision. A perspective. A choice.

The voices will always be there. Telling us it’s not possible. We aren’t good enough. It won’t work.

The fear wil…

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I just signed a $52,000 lease!


Today I signed a $52,000 lease!

2.5 years ago I had nothing. 2.5 years ago I packed my babies in a mini van with diapers and a dollhouse and left the life I spent 10 years building.

2.5 years ago I made a decision. I knew my next step.

And I moved. Immediately.

I didn’t wait. I didn’t ask. I didn’t let fear tell me to stay.

When I knew. Deep in my soul. It was time to leave.

I left.

This is how I move. This is how I invest. This is how I live.

I ask. I listen. I trust myself. And I move.

Immediately. Bef…

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Sometimes things happen that crack you open...

Sometimes things happen that crack you open. That go so deep you think you’ll never heal...

I used to be very visible on social media. I went live multiple times per week. People bought my programs right off my lives.
They got the most amazing results.

I mean they still do.

But I realized something happened. I started to dim my light.


Because the women I worked with. The ones I went really deep with. The ones who had massive transformations …

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The $20K CASH Formula

The road to $10,000 months was hard.

It was years of trying things. Learning things.

Feeling. Like. A. Failure.

It was launching programs that didn’t sell.

It was investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education.

It was being willing to put myself out there.

Being willing to do the next thing.

Being willing to try.

Willing to show the fuck up.

It meant working so hard.

It meant feeling like I …

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Welcome to the shift...


I’ve been wearing a shield. Keeping up my guard. Not wanting to let you in.

Well at least not all the way.

The work I do is deep. Transformational. Life changing.

For both of us.

The energy I hold is fluid. Fire. Water.


The power inside of me builds. And builds. And builds.

Waiting for the perfect time.

The aligned next step.

The co-laboring.

And then. It changes. Everything.

When I let it.

When you let it.

When WE let it.

And sometimes. All the love the I feel. All the warmth inside of me. All the e…

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My fear is always with me.

My hands were shaking. My heart was racing. I felt like I was going to die.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I see it like it was yesterday.

I feel it like it was yesterday.

But it wasn’t yesterday.

It was 3 years ago. The last time I had a panic attack.

The last time I felt like I was going to die.

The last time the fear was so strong it started to devour me.

It took over.

I couldn’t make it stop.

We were on the plane. …

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