When the world shakes you apart…


Who is this woman looking back at me.

So. Much. Space.

So much integration. So much shifting. So much energy.

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. A vortex. A shaking part.

A coming back together.

I have outgrown people. Containers. Situations. Standards.

I am an entirely different person.

More grounded in my body. In my knowing. In my truth.

More free in my spirit. In my magic. In my power.

More activated. More on fire. More at peace.

The money is the byproduct. The magic is the reason.

The shift is the work.

Here’s to owning all of it and not giving a fck what anyone else has to say.

Here’s to your truth. Your magnetism. Your impact.

Here’s to more of everything.

Here’s to being it fcking all.

I love you. Let’s fly! 🖤

xo! Mindy


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