She said something that shook my soul...something I never thought I’d hear in my life.

She said something that shook my soul...something I never thought I’d hear in my life.

Something I never thought I’d be.

Imaging being able to say yes.

To everything.

Imagine no more lack.

No more fear.

No more wondering how you’ll pay for something.

Imagine being able to spend a whole weekend celebrating.

Saying yes to everything.

Giving your children the most amazing birthday of their lives.

Walking into every store they want and saying yes to everything they ask for.

Imagine never again looking your sweet baby in the eye and saying don’t need that.

Imagine being the one who says yes to their little desires.

Imagine two days.

Of saying yes.

Yes to the ice cream.

Yes to the movies.

Yes to the toys.

Yes to the food. The fun. The experiences.

Yes to everything.

Imagine. For two days. Feeling like the most amazing mom.

Imagine walking into a bookstore you didn’t even know was there.

Imagine them saying mom...can I have this.

And imagine.

Whatever it is.

Saying yes.

Not running through the filter of. Do they need it. Can we afford it. Should we do it.

Just saying yes.

And imagine being told.

You’re such a fun mom.


A fun mom. What.

2.5 year ago we were struggling. Things were hard. And I was nowhere near being a fun mom.

I was riddled with fear.

Wondering how we would make ends meet.

How to make it all work.

I surely wasn’t taking my kids away for magical birthday weekends. Buying them everything they wanted.

I wasn’t saying yes.

But something shifted.

I built a business. I learned how to call in the most amazing soul aligned fuck yes Clients who love to work with me.

Who love to pay me.

Every. Single. Day.

And it got to be easy.

I hustled to $10k months. And burnt out.

Then something shifted. Something changed.

I decided it gets to be easy. I decided it gets to be worth it. I decided I get to have it all.

And showed up accordingly.

Every. Single. Day.

And everything changed.

Clients started reaching out to me.

People started asking how they could buy from me.

People who never even liked my shit were asking how they could work with me.

And I made $20,000 in 30 days.

Then I did it again.

And again.

And again.

Imagine making more money than you ever thought possible.

Imagine the most amazing Clients finding you. Asking to work with you. Paying you.

In the DMs.

Not with sales calls. Not with cold messages. Not by “networking” in free Facebook groups.

Imagine the life beyond your wildest dreams.

Money beyond what you ever thought possible.

Everything you’ve always wanted and more.

Imagine being a fun mom.

The one who can say yes.

The one who’s not stressed. Striving. Burnt out.

The one who decided she gets to have it all.

This is what you’ll have on the other side of MAGNETIZE.

More money. More Clients. More freedom.

A life and business beyond what you ever thought was possible.

You ready. Early Bird pricing is now open. Message me to join.

I see you. I believe in you. I love you so damn much.

Xo!! Mindy


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