We Must Be Willing To Kill The Baby
![10-06-2020 blog](https://img.simplerousercontent.net/scaled_image/4302851/2b96153b37171e60d1671e42c6565cb5bf70adb6/10-06-2020-blog-880w-1173h.jpg)
Hear me out.
I don’t mean kill your actual baby.
What I mean is.
We must be willing to walk away from a launch. A program. An idea.
If it stops feeling in alignment. If it stops being in flow.
We must be unattached to the outcome.
We must be willing to listen to God. Source. Higher Self.
And when that bitch says kill the baby.
We must kill the baby.
We must be willing to make space for the thing that is supposed to come through.
See energy is a real thing.
And if you’re spending all your energy trying to make something happen. Trying to force it to work.
Trying so damn hard.
When you know that you know that you know.
It is not the right next step.
It will kill the actual thing you’re here to let come through.
It’s kind of like my marriage.
It wasn’t working for a very long time. And if I’m being honest.
It wasn’t even really working before we said I do.
But...you see...
I am not a quitter. I go all in.
When I decide I’m doing something I’ll pretty much die there.
At least that’s how I used to be.
It’s a bit different.
I will not stay in a failing relationship for 10 years before being willing to walk away.
Being willing to make space.
Being willing to listen to what the crazy bitch said to do.
I had kids and it was hard. And marriage was hard. And life was hard.
My solution.
Have more kids.
It’s kind of like when a program doesn’t feel right anymore.
But I haven’t hit my goal yet.
So I extend the launch.
And then don’t want to show up. Don’t want to create. Don’t want to write.
That energy is important.
That energy is constricting. Not expansive.
That energy brings death and not life.
That energy kills creativity.
What do we do.
When soul says kill the baby.
We kill the baby.
That being said...
My business model is changing. I’m going to be calling in a new vibe.
I’m going to be launching something epic at a much higher investment in the next week.
So for now.
This is your absolute last chance to work with me in a group setting for only $997.
It’s insane.
You get thousands in bonuses. You get 6 weeks of content that will legit change the way you do life and business.
Everything you need for more money. More time. More freedom now.
More clients without all the fucking overwhelm now.
More of the life you’re here to live.
Right. Fucking. Now.
Today’s the day.
Time to get off the fence.
Time to jump.
Or don’t.
It’s up to you.
You must decide.
All in or not. Yes or no. In or out.
I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.
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