But Mindy I’ve Tried All The Things & It’s Just Not Working⁣⁣

9-7-2020 blog

But have you really?
Have you set the intention.⁣⁣
Thanked your sugar daddy the Universe for bringing you the thing you desire.⁣⁣
Have you gotten super clear on what you’re calling in. How much it is. What it’s for.⁣⁣
And then asked God to show up and give it to you.⁣⁣
Have you said thank you.
Have you taken the inspired actions.⁣⁣
Have you let it the fuck go.⁣⁣
Probably not.⁣⁣
And listen.⁣⁣
Here’s the thing.⁣⁣
It’s not even your fault really.⁣⁣
Because you’ve been taught that Manifestation is about getting in the feeling. Asking for the thing. Trusting it will show up for you.⁣⁣
Always being fucking happy.⁣⁣
But the truth is.⁣⁣
Most people leave out the most important part.⁣⁣
Taking the inspired fucking actions. Doing the things Soul. Source. Spirit. God. Tells you to do.⁣⁣
When you get super clear on what you’re calling in.⁣⁣
Decide how you will celebrate it when it happens.⁣⁣
Visualize it being done.⁣⁣
Ask God and say thank you.⁣⁣
You will get a nudge. A push. An idea.⁣⁣
That right there is where most people stop.⁣⁣
They don’t listen to the voice inside.⁣⁣
They don’t trust themself.⁣⁣
They don’t listen.⁣⁣
They don’t do.⁣⁣
They sit on their ass. Hoping. Wishing. Wanting.⁣⁣
And it doesn’t fucking work.⁣⁣
If you think you’ve tried everything and your intentions are not coming.⁣⁣
I challenge you to ask. Listen. Trust.⁣⁣
And then do the fucking thing you hear.⁣⁣
No matter how crazy it is.⁣⁣
Every. Single. Day.⁣⁣
Be willing to do what it takes. As long as it takes. Until it takes.⁣⁣
And let go of the results.⁣⁣
Focus on the wins. Focus on the abundance.⁣⁣
And decide. That it is already done.⁣⁣
Then. When you’ve done that for 10 years.⁣⁣
Then you can say you’ve tried everything.⁣⁣
Until then. Quit giving up on yourself. On your gifts. On your dreams.⁣⁣
Go all in on the madness of being you.⁣⁣
And take the damn actions.⁣⁣
I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.⁣⁣
Xo! Mindy⁣⁣
Ps. Want to learn my step by step system for reclaiming you’re power and manifesting fuck tons of money fast.⁣⁣
Grab your spot in Manifestation Queen now!⁣⁣

⁣⁣I cannot wait to work with you.


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