There Is No Fucking Magic Bullet

9-1-2020 blog
​To the woman who attacked me. The one who didn’t show up. Didn’t do the work. Didn’t go all in on the madness of being you.

The one who was triggered. The one who didn’t want to do the inner work.

The one who wanted a magic fucking bullet.

The one who said I was a fraud. That everything I teach can easily be found on YouTube.

The one who said my program was a rip off. That I will have to deal with God one day.

Who attacked my assistant’s character in my free Facebook community.

The one who demanded a refund when I clearly state in all of my sales pages and checkout pages that I do not give them.

The one who waited until the end of the 4 week program to say you were unhappy.

The one who was looking for a magic bullet.

The one who is clearly hurting.

I will not be attacked. My character will not be attacked.

My program.

Will. Not. Be. Attacked.

Here’s the thing.

The work I do triggers the fuck out of people.

It’s why I do not offer refunds. It’s why I tell you in my lives. In my writing. In my sales pages.

That you must do the fucking work.

Don’t get me wrong.

Making money is easy as fuck. Or at least it can be.

If you follow the system.

If you’re willing to do your part.

If you’re willing to connect in every day. Ask God what would you have me be. Who would you have me serve. How would you have me serve them.

Ask. Take the time to actually listen. Trust that what you hear is from God. That the first answer is always right.

And then.

Yes then.


Take the inspired action. Do the fucking thing you’re told.

And take responsibility for your damn life.

Do not.

I repeat.

Do not.

Buy my shit. If you’re looking for a magic pill.

Do not. Buy my shit if you are not going to show up.

Not going to commit.

Not going to go all in on the madness of being you.

Do not.

I repeat.

Do not.

Buy my shit if you are not willing to do things differently.

If you’re not willing to do what it takes. As long as it takes. Until it takes.

Do not.

I repeat.

Do not buy my shit if you are not willing to show the fuck up.

Live the life you’re here to live. Be the person you’re here to be.


My Clients get next level. Magical fucking results.


Many of them manifest tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of days.


Their entire life changes when they work with me.


Everyone’s path is different. Everyone’s results are different. Everyone’s life is different.


You should not buy from me because my Clients get epic. Magical. Life changing results.

You should not buy from me because my shit works when you actually implement it.

You should not buy from me because my sales page is amazing.

You should only buy from me.

And hear me on this.

You should only buy from me. Or from anyone else for that matter.

If your Soul. Your Spirit. Your Higher Self. Your God says to buy.

That’s it.

Take possibility off the table. Take fear off the table.

If God says jump. Fucking jump.

And then take some God Damn responsibility for your life.

Radically accept that you had a part in ending up here. And that you will have a part in getting out of it.

Stop looking for a magic fucking bullet.

Stop blaming everyone else for the shit show that is your life.

Own the fuck out of where you are. And be willing to do the work to get out of it.

Take responsibility.

Take the inspired actions.

Every. Single. Day.

And then.

And only then.

Will you get the life your truly here to live.

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

Ps. If you’re still reading I’d like to invite you to my premier membership Manifestation Queen.

The last resource you’ll ever need to reclaim your power and manifest the fuck out of the life you’re here to live.

Like Emily who manifested over $2,700 in value in 12 hours.

Like Eric who tripled her investment in 48 hours.

Like Sharonna who manifested $4,400 in 48 hours and another $1,500 in our live Money Activation Call.

Because they showed the fuck up. They went all in. They took the inspired actions. And they got fucking results.

If you are the person who will show up. The person who is ready. The person who is not looking for a magic fucking bullet.

Then join us.

There is of course no guarantee. And everyone’s results are different.

But if your soul says jump. It’s time to jump.

Click the link. Read the page and join us.

The time is now. I cannot wait to work with you. And I’ll see you on the other side!​​


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