Bitch It’s Time To Level The Fuck Up

7-29 Blog
It’s time to quit playing small.

It’s time to quit being scared.

It’s time to quit avoiding the thing you KNOW you need to do...but won’t.



What will they say?

What will they do?

What will they think?

Come here. Listen. A little closer. Are you listening?


FUCK what THEY think.

FUCK what THEY do.

FUCK what THEY want.

You my dear.

Are not. Never have been. And never will be.

Here for THEM.

They don’t get you. They don’t like you. They don’t want to.

And the truth is.

They aren’t supposed to.

I mean they want to. You know they think you’re fascinating. Interesting. Intriguing.

With all your badassery. Bigness. Awesomeness. World changingness.

For a while.

And then.

They’re like wait.

You mean you’re ALWAYS like this. Like ALL the time.

Well shit.

I’m out.

You know this. It’s happened. And then what do you do.

You dim your fucking light one more time.

So they won’t be offended. So they won’t be scared. So they won’t feel small.



Stop trying to be like them!


Right fucking now.

Or don’t.

Stay small. Stay scared. Stay...

Dare I say it.

Normal. 🤮🤮

You my dear. Were not. Are not. Never will be.

Called for normal.

You are here to change the fucking world.

You are here to shake shit up.

You are here to make a difference.

You are here to do the things they won’t.

And that will never ever change.


Are you done trying so damn hard to fit into their world?

Are you done trying to make everyone except for yourself happy?

Are you done being a fucking doormat?

Or not.

I can’t decide for you.

I can’t make you stand up. Tell the world to fuck off. And trust that your people will flock to you when you do.

But I can invite you.

To be the bad bitch you were called to be.

To be the magical fucking unicorn of the Internet you were sent to be.

To change the lives you were sent to change.

But you my dear. You must answer the call. You must stand up. You must say yes.

That’s me.

I’m her.

I’m ready.

I’m all fucking in.

And I will never go back to normal again.

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

Ps. THE FUCK YES OFFER FORMULA closes Friday at Midnight!

This is my proven simple system for CREATING, LAUNCHING & SELLING your Fuck Yes Offer in 7 days!

You in?

Read the page. If it’s a fuck yes. Join us.

I cannot wait to work with you!


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