Do The Thing You’re Here To Do...Nothing Else Matters 🔥

7-23 blog
What is the thing you want to shake the world and make them understand?

What is the thing you would say if you weren’t so damn afraid what they might think?

What is the thing you would do if deep down inside you were not so scared it might actually work?



That thing.

The thing that came up in your head and you quickly locked back up. Looked around to make sure no one was watching and went back to your basic. Mediocre. Kind of ok existence.


That thing.

The thing that’s been stirring inside of you since you were born.

That thing that God put you here to do. The thing you came back to do. The thing you exist to do.


That thing.

The thing you’re a little afraid to talk about publicly but can’t shut up about with your friends and inner circle.

That thing that you could do in your sleep.

That thing that just fucking makes sense.

That thing that’s easy for you.




That my dear.


It’s your reason for being here.

It’s your assignment. Should you choose to accept it.

To be more you. All of you. Just you.

To unleash you awesome on the world and make fuck tons of money doing it.

To live the life of your dreams.

Not their dreams.

Not the pretty little life you created.

You know.

The one that feels safe because it’s...

Dare I say it.


Ugh. Comfortable.

It feels safe.

But really.

My love.

You’re playing fucking small. You’re hiding who you truly are. You’re tempering your message.


Because at some point in our lives. We all become a scared little bitch.

Afraid to say the thing you really want to say.


What would they think. What would they do.

They would hate me.

They would reject me.

They would shun me.

They wouldn’t understand me.


So what if they did.


You are not here for them anyway.

You are here for the world changers. The Trail Blazers. The shit stirrers. The ones who are here to make a fucking difference.

The ones who would do it with or without you.

But honestly.

They know that you’ll help them get there faster.

You’re here for the magical fucking unicorns of the Internet. The badass boss bitches who are here to make fucking moves. Make fucking money. Make a fucking difference.

Or maybe that’s me.


That’s right.

You ARE that badass boss bitch. That magical fucking unicorn of the Internet.

Here to make fuck tons of money being you. Just you. All of you.

You are the one who’s called for more.

Who’s here to do big huge fucking things.

The one who wants to make a difference.

The one who loves to go all out. Do the damn thing. Trailblaze that shit.


That one.

The one I’m here for.

I do this for me.

I do this for her.

I show up. Every single day. Unapologetically. I say the thing I’m here to say. I do the thing I’m here to do and fuck anyone who hates me for it.

They aren’t my people anyway.

It’s time to step up. It’s time to decide. To quit playing small. To go all in. On you. And then even more of you.

It’s time to quit being a scared little bitch and fucking fly already.

Or it’s not.

That my dear. Is up to you.

I can give you the systems. I can give you the strategy. I can give you the mindset. The affirmations. The routines.



I CANNOT make you decide.

That my friend. Is up to you.

I see you. I believe in you. And you do not have to do this alone.

Xo! Mindy

Ps. Ready to go all in. Ready to do the fucking thing. Ready to soar.

Ready to know why you’re here. What you’re here to do. And how to package that shit up and sell it.

On repeat.

From Source. From Soul. From God.

Welcome to The Fuck Yes Offer Formula. How To CREATE, LAUNCH & SELL your Fuck Yes Offer in 7 Days!


7 days.

Because friend. Building a business gets to be simple. Making money gets to be easy.


You ready to make fuck tons of it being you?

Like Wesley who made $7,000 in ONE DAY. And now makes up to $28,000/month in a business that didn’t even exist before we started working together.

Or Kathleen who got clear on her Fuck Yes Offer and got 42 new Clients in 3 hours.

Or Sharonna who got 25 new Clients in ONE WEEK.

Without all the stress. Without all the tech. Without all the overwhelm.

What if you could make money doing what you love.

Every. Single. Day.

Well. Friend. Now you can.

You know the time is now. Read the page. Trust your gut. If God says jump. Fucking jump.

I cannot wait to work with you.

I’ll see you on the other side. 💕💕


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